Emi's Website!

Welcome to my site!Check out my weebly site!


  • Project1
  • The web site of nightshadow1965

    Welcome to my Website!

    This is a link to my weebly site!: Weebly.

    These projects were made in 2023 and by: Emi Matsumoto (Semester 1).

    More about my projects can be found on my weebly page.

    Here's an image of my "candy monster" drawing:

    Here's how I made my projects:

    To learn more, click on this link, to visit my weebly page!

    The web site of nightshadow1965

    Welcome My "Projects" Page!

    This is a page, that will explain more about my projects! (This is just a summary): weebly has more imformation on my projects.

    These are just some of my projects. Some projects were cut/edited so that I could add them into this site (and the other one).

    Here's a drawing of a gem (from the prompt "crystal," for the October Project): If the image doesn't show up, you can look at it on my weebly site.

    Here's a list of some of the prompts that I used for my October Project:

    To learn more, check out my other website (weebly)!